Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cervical Fractures

There are many different types of cervical fractures.  I am only going to focus on C2 fractures.  Most commonly, C2 fractures occur from falls and mva's.  We all should know the C2 has the odontoid.  There are 3 types of odontoid fractures. Type 1 fracture is an oblique fracture through the upper part of the odontoid.  This type is rare.  Type 2 fracture is more common (60%) that occurs at the base of the odontoid.  The last, the type 3 fracture occurs (30%) when the fracture line extends through the body of the axis. 

A C2 lateral mass fracture is rare, but it is possible.  When this fracture is present it is most certain that another cervical fracture is present as well.  This fracture occurs by axial compression with lateral bending.  Another type of fracture is the C2 teardrop fracture.  These are avulsion fractures with an intact anterior longitudinal ligament displacing and anteriorly rotating the anteroinferior vertebral body fragment.  This fracture is more common in the elderly due to their bone densities.  A hangman's fracture occurs due to a combination of hyperextension and distraction.  This is very common in traumatic and/or fatal mva's. 

Three types of C2 odontoid fractures: type I is a...

Type 1, 2, and 3 odontoid fractures.

Hangman fracture

Hangman’s Fracture more common nowadays known as Traumatic Spondylolosthesis


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Extracranial Carotid Artery Aneurysms

An aneurysm occurs when part of a blood vessel swells.  This causes the blood vessel to be damaged and weakness in the wall of the blood vessel.  As blood pressure builds up it balloons out at its weakest point.  Peripheral aneurysms are the type of aneurysms that affect the vessels such as the carotid that is located in your neck.  This type of an aneurysms is called an extracranial carotid aneurysm.  Symptoms of the type of an aneurysm is a stroke.  If this occurs it needs emergent attention.  Some slightly less severe symptoms may include facial swelling or difficulty swallowing. 

The treatment depends on the size of the aneurysm.  For example, it the aneurysm is very small the patient's doctor may choose to monitor the patient's condition very carefully.  This will be done by using CT, MR, or US.  Prescriptions may be needed to control blood pressure or to help with clotting of the blood.  If the aneurysm is severe, surgery will be performed.  Also, a stent could also be placed into the carotid.

AP carotid angiogram revealed an aneurysm at the left internal carotid artery distal to the bifurcation of the common carotid artery.
image found at


Information found at


 image found at

A goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland.  There are 3 classifications for a goiter; first is a simple goiter, second is hereditary goiters, and goiters that can be caused by other circumstances.  A simple goiter is caused by an inadequate supply of thyroid hormone.  The thyroid gland recognizes this is then begins to produce too much of the hormone which then causes a goiter.  In some cases a goiter can form in a person depending on where they may live.  A person who lives where there is a short supply of iodine in there food supply will have a goiter form.  In other instances, some medications may cause a simple goiter.  Hereditary goiters are formed when a person has a family history of the same.  Many times they will form in a person over the age of 40.  Other thyroid disorders may cause a goiter such as Hashimoto's- inflammation of the thyroid and underproduction of thyroid hormones, Grave's- a disease where your body attacks your own body, thyroid cancer, thyroiditis- inflammation of the thyroid, pregnancy might cause a goiter, and exposure to radiation. 

There are some symptoms of a goiter.  If a person has difficulty swallowing, swelling or a lump around the throat area, hoarseness, or difficulty breathing could all be signs of a goiter.  Medication may be prescribed to help shrink the goiter.  However, if the goiter is larger surgery may be needed and a biopsy will be performed. 

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