Sunday, September 26, 2010


Cholesteatoma is a benign growth that occurs in either the middle ear or in the petrous apex.  There are three different scenarios that can occur for a cholesteatoma can grow.  Chronic infection or severe trauma to the ear area can cause a cholesteatoma.  The chronic infection can be there since birth.  Some instance babies are born with extra skin which can become entrapped in the middle ear.  The most common occurrence of a cholesteatoma is an improperly functioning eustachian tube.  This tube serves as the canal that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose.  Equilibrium is adjusted here.  A ct scan of the temporal bone is the best way to demonstrate the very minute bones and pieces of the ear.  Also, an audiogram can be conducted to test the person's hearing.  Surgery can be performed to remove the cholesteatoma.  The extent of the surgery and the recovery time all depends on the size of the cholesteatoma.  The following is a picture of a cholesteatoma. 

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